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Determining Return on Investment (ROI) 

Most businesses need to show the money they invested in the program has resulted in savings. As a first step, you can calculate ROI by subtracting the cost of the investment from the gain and dividing that result by the cost of the investment. The answer will be a percentage. Keep in mind the most important part of the calculation is deciding what a cost is versus a gain. Depending on the way a vaccination program is set up, ROI can vary from company to company.

Achieving a more nuanced view of ROI, however, takes time and involves considering a range of factors. Reducing costs is not the only benefit. In fact, vaccination programs often show success through other measures, including increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, and decreased presenteeism. Other areas to consider in determining the ROI include health and employee engagement outcomes. Health outcomes encompass decreases in the occurrence of employees being sick, related complications, while employee engagement outcomes included improved productivity, increased satisfaction with the workplace and a sense that the organization is concerned with the well-being of its employees.

CONTACT US: (515) 650-0424 | sip@safeguardiowa.org | 1907 Carpenter Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314

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